We are committed to the highest standards of governance. Donors entrust their money to us, and we have the responsibility to ensure we are accountable for all we do and are transparent in how we do it.
Our Board of Trustees are committed to obtaining the highest standards of governance and, accordingly, transparency, accountability and cost effectiveness are constant priorities of the Board, the management committee, the finance team and the governance team.
This ensures we are honest and ethical in all our work and worthy of the ongoing trust and support of our volunteers and donors.

Gort Cancer Support Group CLG is a registered charity (Registered Charity Number 20075927). The Charity is a company limited by guarantee and is registered as Gort Cancer Support (Company No 496940). The Charity is governed by a voluntary Board of Trustees.
Gort Cancer Support complies with The Governance Code for the Community, Voluntary and Charitable Sector in Ireland. Gort Cancer Support complies with the standards laid out in the Charities Governance Code as required by the Charity Regulator.
As required under Company Law our accounts are independently audited every year. This process is overseen by the Board of Trustees.